Bouncing Rhymes



For even MORE, including video demonstrations of songs, felt boards, and stories, check out our virtual story time bites featuring Miss Neena.

Looking to learn new rhymes? We also suggest: Jbrary’s Storytime Online Resources page and Storyblocks, which offers rhymes in many languages.

Rhymes are posted alphabetically by title.


Want to sing and bounce along to the rhymes PFL’s Baby and Toddler classes use? Have fun bouncing at home to these rhymes!!buoncing2

A – Rhymes:

As I Was Walking to Town One Day
As I was walking to town one day
I met a (animal name)  along the way
And what do you think that (animal name) did say?  (Make animals noise)

B – Rhymes:

Baby a Go-Go
Baby a go-go, high up!
Baby a go-go, high up!
Baby a ggoooo
Baby a go-go-go!

Baby Shark
Baby shark, do do, do do do do
Baby shark, do do, do do do do
Repeat with :Mama shark, Papa shark, Little Fish, Swim away!, Swim faster!, Safe at last

Bounce, Bounce, Bounce
If you think you want to bounce, bounce, bounce
If you think you’ll try to bounce, bounce, bounce
If you think you can bounce. bounce, bounce.
Go bouncing!

Bounce, Bounce Up & Down
Bounce, bounce, up and down,
Bounce, bounce all around
Bouncing fast
Bouncing slow
Bounce, bounce…BOOM!

Bouncy, Bouncy Baby
Bouncy, bouncy baby. Bouncy, bouncy baby
Up and down, up and down.
Bouncy, bouncy baby.
Hippity hop little one. hippity hop little one
Back and forth, back and forth.
Hippity hop, little one.
Bippity bop, baby.  Bippity bop, baby
Jiggity, joggity, jiggity, joggity
Bouncy, bouncy…BOOM!

Buenos Dias
Buenos dias
Buenos dias
¿Como estas?
¿Como estas?
Muy bien, gracias
Muy bien, gracias
¿Y usted?
¿Y usted?

C – Rhymes

Can You Hide Your Eyes?
Can you hide your eyes?
Can you hide your eyes?
I know you can, you really can.
You can hide your eyes.

(Repeat with: nose, ears, mouth, hands)

Cock-a-Doodle Doo
Put your hands on your head and cockle doodle doo
Put your hands on your toes and cockle doodle doo.
Put your hands on your tummy and cockle doodle doo.
Put your hands on your nose and cockle doodle doo.

(Additional verses: Floor, air, knees, hair)

Clap Your Hands Little Baby
Clap your hands little baby
Clap your hands little baby, dear
Clap your hands little baby
Clap them baby dear

Help baby do these other motions and more:
Bend your knees little baby                Rub your tummy little baby
Pat your legs little baby                     Give a hug little baby
Tap your feet little baby

Criss Cross Applesauce
Criss, cross…applesauce!
Spiders crawling up your spine!
Cool breeze.
Tight squeeze!
Now you’ve got the willies!

D – Rhymes:

Dance a Baby Widdy
Little Baby Diddy
What can we do with thee?
Sit on a lap
And give you a pat
And dance a baby widdy!

E – Rhymes:

F – Rhymes:

Five Fat Funny Dinosaurs
Five fat, funny dinosaurs
Letting out a ROAR!
One went away and then there were four
Four, fat funny dinosaurs
Climbing up a tree
One went away, and then there were three
Three fat, funny dinosaurs
Didn’t know what to do
One went away, and then there were two
Two fat, funny dinosaurs
Helping us have fun
One went away, and then there was just one
One fat, funny dinosaur
Afraid to be the hero
One went away, and now there are zero

Five Little Ducks
Five little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away
When the mama duck said
Quack, quack, quack!
Only four little ducks came running back
(Continue counting down to zero)

Five Little Fish
Five little fish, swimming in the sea
Teasing Mr. Shark, “You can’t catch me!”
Along came Mr. Shark, quiet as can be
Four little fish, swimming in the sea
(Continue counting down to zero)

Five Little Monkeys
Five little monkeys
Jumping on the bed
One fell off and bonked his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
(Continue counting down to zero)

G – Rhymes:

Good Morning!
Good Morning, Library
Good Morning, Library
Good Morning, Library
We’re Glad You Came to Play Today
Good Morning, Families
Good Morning, Families
Good Morning, Families
We’re Glad You Came to Play Today

(You can replace library and families with objects you see in your space. Great way to teach and reinforce new vocabulary words!)

H – Rhymes:

Have You Ever Seen A Baby?
Have you ever seen a baby, (gently bounce child on your lap)
A baby, a baby?
Have you ever seen a baby,
Go this way and that? (rock from side to side)
Go this way and that way, (forward and back)
And that way and this way. (side to side)
Have you ever seen a baby,
Go this way and that? (forward and back)

Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Head and shoulders, knees and toes…knees and toes.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes…knees and toes.
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes…knees and toes.

Here is the Beehive
Here is the beehive (with fist closed)
But where are the bees?
Hiding inside where nobody sees (shake fist)
Will they come out of their hive?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5…They’re alive! (reveal fingers couting up to five)
Buzz buzzz (finish with a tickle)

Here We Go Up, Up, Up
Here we go up, up, up.  Here we go down, down, down
Here we go up, up, up.  And here we go round and round.
Here we go out, out, out.  Here we go in, in, in.
Here we go out, out, out.  And here we go round and about.
Here we go high, high, high.  Here we go low, low, low
Here we go high, high, high.  And here we go round, you and I.
Here we go up, up, up.  Here we go down, down, down
Here we go up, up, up.  And here we go round and round

Here’s My Arm
Here’s my arm, here’s my arm.
Watch it move.  Watch it move.
Move it up & down, move it all around.
Watch it move.  Watch it move
(Repeat with: hand, foot).

Hickory-Dickory Dock
Hickory dickory dock.
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one,
And down he runs
Hickory dickory dock

Hokey Pokey Penny a Lump
Hokey pokey, penny a lump
Up & down, up & down, bumpity- bump
If you jump, you’re sure to fall
Hokey pokey, that is all!

Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

I – Rhymes:

I Can Move
Rolling, rolling little hands
Rolling down the street
Rolling slowly
Rolling faster
Rolling, rolling little hands.

Tapping, tapping little toes
Clapping, clapping little hands
Hugging, hugging little arms…hugging tight, hugging tighter

I’m a Little Teapot
I’m a little teapot…short and stout,
Here is my handle …here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, then I shout,
“Tip me over and pour me out!”

J – Rhymes:

Jack in the Box
Jack in the box
Sits so still
Will he come out?
Yes he will!
(Use a favorite stuffed animal or toy for this song)

Jelly On a Plate
Jelly on a plate, jelly on a plate
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble, jelly on a plate.

Sweeties in a jar, sweeties in a jar
Shake them up, shake them up, sweeties in a jar.

Candles on a cake, candles on a cake
Blow them out, blow them  out, candles on a cake

K – Rhymes:

L – Rhymes:

Little Green Frog
Galump went the little green frog one day
Galump went the little green frog
Galump went the little green frog one day
and his eyes went glub, glub, glub!
and we all know frogs go ladidah di dah
ladidah di dah, ladidah di dah
we all know frogs go ladidah di dah
and his eyes go glub, glub, glub

Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider,
And sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away!

M – Rhymes:

Mother and Father and Uncle John
Mother and Father and Uncle John
Went to town, one by one
Mama fell off,
Papa fell off,
But Uncle John went on and on and on and on and on.

N – Rhymes:

O – Rhymes:

Oh, Baby
Say, say oh, baby. come here and clap with me.
And bring your happy smile.
Come bounce with me a while
Shake, shake your hands
Shake, shake your bottom and
Shake, shake your tootsies ten
Let’s do it again.
Repeat and end with “And that’s the end!”

Open, Shut Them
Open, shut them, open, shut them,
Give a little clap, clap, clap.
Open, shut them, open, shut them,
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.
Creep them, creep them,
Creep them, creep them,
Right up to your chin, chin, chin.
Open up your little mouth,
But do not put them in.

1, 2, 3 Baby on My Knee
1, 2, 3…baby’s on my knee.
Rooster crows and up she goes!
1, 2, 3…baby’s on my knee.
Rooster crows and down she goes!
1, 2, 3…baby’s on my knee.
Rooster crows and over she goes.
1, 2, 3…baby’s on my knee.
Rooster crows and in she goes.

One Little, Two Little Fingers
1 little, 2 little, 3 little fingers,
4 little, 5 little, 6 little fingers,
7 little, 8 little, 9 little fingers,
10 little fingers on my hand.

Alternative Verses: They wiggle and they wiggle and they wiggle all together / They clap, they keep on clapping

P – Rhymes:

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake
Baker’s man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Roll it, and pat it and mark it with a B.
And put it in the oven for baby and me.

Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo
I see you, I see you
I see your button nose
I see your tiny toes
I see you, peek a boo!

Pop Goes the Weasel
All around the cobbler’s bench
The monkey chased the weasel
The monkey thought was all in fun
POP…goes the weasel

Popcorn, popcorn, sizzling in the pan.
Shake it up, shake it up, as fast as you can!

Popcorn, popcorn, now it’s getting hot,
Shake it up, shake it up,
Pop, pop, pop!

R – Rhymes:

Ride, Baby, Ride
Ride baby ride, ch ch ch ch ch
Ride that horsey ride
Ride baby ride, ch ch ch ch ch
Ride that horsey ride

Riding On My Pony
Riding on my pony, my pony, my pony
Riding on my pony
Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Stop a minute just to say, “How are you this very fine day?”
Then off we go!

(Repeat with: Trotting, Galloping)

Road Rhyme
We’re going down a smooth road, smooth road, smooth road
We’re going down a smooth road, smooth, smooth road.

We’re going down a bumpy road, bumpy road, bumpy road
We’re going down a bumpy road, lumpy, bumpy road.

We’re going down a rough road, rough road, rough road.
We’re going down a rough road, oh no…A HOLE!

Roll Roll, Sugar Babies
Roll roll, sugar babies
Roll roll, sugar babies
Up! Down! Clap clap clap

(Continue with out/in, fast/slow)

Roly Poly
Roly poly, roly poly
Up up up, up up up
Roly roly poly
Roly roly poly
Down down down, down down down

(Continue with out/in, fast/slow, and yes/no)

Row, Row Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream!

S – Rhymes:

Scarf Wiggle
You put your scarf up. You put your scarf down. Your put your scarf up.
And you shake it all around,
You wiggle on your knees and you wiggle on your toes.
You’re doing the scarf wiggle!

You put your scarf out. You put your scarf in. You put your scarf out.
And you shake it all around.
You wiggle on your head and you wiggle n your nose
You’re doing the scarf wiggle!

Slowly, Slowly
Slowly, slowly, very slowly up the garden rail
Slowly, slowly, very slowly creeps the garden snail
Quickly, quickly, very quickly all around the house.
Quickly, quickly, very quickly runs the garden mouse.

T – Rhymes:

Tap Our Legs Together
Let’s tap our legs together, let’s tap our legs together.
Let’s tap our legs together because it’s fun to do.

(Repeat with other body parts)

These are Baby’s Fingers
These are baby’s fingers.
These are baby’s toes.
This is baby’s belly button.
Round and round it goes.

This is How we Listen
Eyes are watching,
Ears are listening,
Voices quiet,
Bodies calm.
This is how we listen.
This is how we listen.
With our friends
With our friends.

This is the Way the Ladies Ride
This is the way the ladies ride…plippity, plippity, plippity, plippity
This is the way the gentleman ride…ploppity, ploppity, ploppity, ploppity
This is the way the farmers ride…plippity-plop, plippity-plop
This is the way the hunters…gallop, gallop, gallop

Trot Trot to Pawling
Trot trot to Pawling
Trot trot to Lynn
Watch out baby, don’t fall in!
Trot trot to Patterson
Trot trot to Dover
Watch out baby, don’t fall over!
Trot trot to Brewster
Trot trot to Town
Watch out baby,don’t fall down!

Toast in the Toaster
Toast in the toaster, getting very hot
Tick tock, tick tock
Up you POP!
(End this rhyme by tossing baby in the air or jumping up from a squatting position with your toddler)

U – Rhymes

V – rhymes

W – Rhymes:

We Bounce and STOP!
We bounce and we bounce and we bounce and we STOP!
We bounce and we bounce and we bounce and we STOP!
We bounce and we bounce and we bounce and we STOP!
Then we bounce that baby right up to the top and… Wheeee!

Additional verses: We tickle, We clap, We stomp…

Well Hello Everybody
Well hello everybody, can you touch your nose?
Touch your nose, touch your nose?
Well hello everybody, can you touch your nose?
Touch your nose?
Well hello everybody, can you touch your toes?
Touch your toes, touch your toes?
Well hello everybody, can you touch your toes?
Touch your toes?

Additional verses: Pat your head, Rub your tummy…

We’re Going on a Smooth Road
We’re going on a smooth road,
A smooth road, a smooth road.
We’re going on a bumpy road,
A bumpy road, a bumpy road!
We’re going on a rough road
A rough road, a rough road!
Uh oh!
A hole!

When a Cow Gets up in the Morning
When a cow gets up in the morning
It always says, “Hello!”
When a cow gets up in the morning
It always says, “Hello!”
No! What does it really say? MOOOOO!
(Repeat plugging in other animals. If you have stuffed animals or a book with pictures of the animals, you can point them out or play with them as you sing)

Where is Baby?
Where is baby?  Where is baby?
Peek-a-boo!  I see you!
Where is my baby? Where is my baby?
Peek-a-boo!  I see you!

Additional verses: Where is Mommy?  Daddy?

Where Oh Where are Baby’s Fingers?
(To the tune of 1 little, 2 little, 3 little fingers)
Where oh where are baby’s fingers?
Where oh where are baby’s toes?
Where oh where is baby’s belly button?
Round and round it goes!
Where oh where are baby’s ears?
Where oh where is baby’s nose?
Where oh where is baby’s belly button?
Round and round it goes.




Zoom We’re Going to the Moon
Zoom, zoom, zoom
We’re going to the moon
Zoom, zoom, zoom
We’re going to the moon
If you want to take a trip
Climb aboard my rocketship
Zoom, zoom, zoom
We’re going to the moon
In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. BLAST-OFF!