Author: Donald Partelow

Sound Experience

with Cristina Reyes-Schleifer Sound Practitioner Wednesday, April 21 7:00-8:30 pm Click the link below to register for Sound Experience or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at Immerse yourself in the soothing waves of sound Reduce muscle tension and stress Enter a deep meditative state Enhance your awareness Feel lighter and energized The sound of Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, bells and gongs will open up a new dimension in your life.


In celebration of Earth Day, the Pawling Library is collaborating with artist Lonna Kelly for her art project that Ms. Kelly calls Synergy, offering a space for community expression. The theme for this art project is Our Earth. To participate, artistically express what our Earth means to you. This can be a sketch, a painting, photograph, mixed-media, etc. Send jpeg images of your art to Donald at by April 15. This art project is open to both adults and children. Artwork will be posted on the websites of the Pawling Library  & Lonna Kelly Studio.   Click the link below for more information.

Art-Room: A Gathering of Artists / Online Program

Friday, April 16 7-8 pm Click the link below to register for Art-Room or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at Enjoy lively discussions with your fellow artists about projects and techniques.  We look forward to seeing you soon.  Allow your artistic passion to follow its creative bliss!

Haunted Objects / Online Program

Presented by with Barry Pirro Tuesday, April 13 6:30-7:30 pm Click the link below to register for Haunted Objects or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at Paranormal investigator Barry Pirro has investigated hundreds of haunted houses, businesses, and historic sites. He has also been a consultant for paranormal TV shows Ghost Adventures, Ghost Nation, Kindred Spirits, and Paranormal Survivor. Join Barry as he shares chilling stories of haunted objects. Just as a house can be haunted, any object can become haunted or cursed. Hear stories of haunted paintings, jewelry, dolls, furniture, and musical instruments. Participants will also have a chance to ask Barry questions about his experiences as a ‘ghost hunter,’ and to share their own true ghost stories. 

Admissions and Financial Aid: What it Takes to get into College Today / Online Program

Presented by Stephanie Mauro of College Planning 101 Tuesday, April 6 7-8 pm Click the link below to register for Admissions and Financial Aid or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at In this seminar you will learn: A time-line for success—where you should start in the college planning process. How important are SAT & ACT tests and how do colleges value them. What the more selective colleges really want to see in your student’s application. The financial aid systems and how they work. How to maximize your student’s potential to receive scholarships, grants, and forms of merit-aid. How it’s possible to attend a Private College for a Public College Price. Plus much, much more…

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease / Online Program

Thursday, March 18 7-8 pm Click the link below to register for 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease  or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at Alzheimer’s and other dementias cause changes in memory, thinking and behavior that interfere with daily life. Join us to learn about 10 common warning signs and what to watch for in yourself and others.  The one-hour program covers:  Typical age-related changes.  Common warning signs of Alzheimer’s.  How to approach someone about memory concerns.  Early detection, the benefits of a diagnosis and the diagnostic process.  Alzheimer’s Association resources.   This  program is being provided by the Alzheimer’s Association. For further information please call the Alzheimer’s Association at 800-272-3900. 

FREE English (ESOL) Online Tutoring

English for Speakers of Other Languages with Karina Cerna Friday, March 19 Time slots: 5:00-6:00 pm / 6:00-7:00 pm / 7:00-8:00 pm Click the link below to register for FREE English (ESOL) Online Tutoring or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at Once you are registered Karina will email you a Zoom link. You can use Zoom on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. One space is available for each class. Please indicate what day and time you’d like to make an appointment. Thank you! This publication was supported in part by funds from the New York State Library’s Adult Literacy Services grant program.

Financial Health: Take Control of Your Finances / Online Program

with Leona O’Connell  Thursday, March 25 5:00-6:30 pm Click the link below to register for Financial Health or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at This course has been designed to help you achieve financial health. Course topics  include:  Effective budgeting Understanding credit  Setting financial goals and the tools to achieve them Please join Leona O’Connell, Housing Counselor at Hudson River Housing’s NeighborWorks HomeOwnership Center, for this FREE in-depth financial  presentation. For information about Hudson River Housing, please click the link below.

Medicare 101 / Online Program

Monday, March 22 6:30-8:00 pm Click the link below to register for Medicare 101 or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at At this  informative  presentation you’ll learn about Medicare plans Part A, B, and D. You’ll also find out about “the donut hole” & Medigap and much more.  Be prepared and apply for Medicare to ensure your benefits will be  available to you. Our presenter, Gerri Ann Brenner, has worked in the insurance industry since 1985. Her 34-year career covers several areas including Medicare.

Creating a Timeless Interior / Online Program

Tuesday, March 16 7-8 pm Click the link below to register for Creating a Timeless Interior  or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at Interior designer Allison Miller, of Allison Grace Design, will teach you how to design spaces that are current without being trendy. We will also touch upon creating spaces to accommodate Working from Home and Remote Learning.  Join me for this informative online experience! About our presenter: Allison Miller has been working in the interior design industry for 20 years. After graduating from the University of Vermont with a degree in Art and Art History, her love of textiles drew her to interior design. She flourished as a window treatment and soft-goods designer and then went on to establish East Hill Design, a handbag company that utilized the unique fabrics she used in interior design. Allison then moved to California to further her design career and obtain a degree in Interior Design. While in California she worked as a designer and project manager for firms doing high-profile jobs such as the...