Author: Donald Partelow

The Dance Goodbye: A Special Film Presentation

Directed by Ron Steinman. Produced and Written by Eileen Douglas and Ron Steinman. Saturday, May 11 2:00-4:00 pm We are very pleased and fortunate that Ron Steinman and Eileen Douglas will be joining us for the viewing of their documentary, The Dance Goodbye. At the end of the film our guest speakers will be hosting a Q & A. About the film: Acclaimed dancer Merrill Ashley departs from the New York City Ballet and must now determine how her life will unfold. This intelligent picture of a dancer’s world engages the mind as it touches the heart. Please join us and be a part of this event. This film is not rated. Run time: 56 min. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at

FREE English (ESOL) Tutoring

English for Speakers of Other Languages with Karina Cerna Tuesday, May 7 & Thursday, May 9 2:00-5:00 pm Tutoring is available for both adults and teens. Sessions are for one hour. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at This publication (product) was supported by (or “in part by”) funds from the New York State Library’s Adult Literacy Services grant program.

Allergies and Asthma: The Ayurveda Approach

Tuesday, May 7 7:00-9:00 pm Allergies are the body’s response to toxins that a weakened immune system cannot handle. Seasonal allergies (external) and/or food allergies (internal) result when foreign elements invade the body and cannot be eradicated. Asthma is an allergic reaction to certain triggers that aggravate and inflame the lung tissue, and can become systemic over time. Keeping the body in balance, and the immune system strong, can prevent allergies from taking hold. Come and discover: * Why certain “body types” are more prone to allergies * How digestion impacts allergic reactions * The role of metabolism in allergic responses * The effect of vaccinations on the body * Techniques to balance and strengthen the immune system About our presenter: Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik is the owner and chief medical practitioner of Dr. Kaushick’s Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Clinic in Cross River, NY. With over 30 years’ experience as an Ayurvedic physician, Dr. Kaushik’s medical training is extensive. He is one of the most experienced Ayurvedic physicians in North America and is the recipient of...

We thank all the students who made our American Essay Contest possible

If you have not yet filled-out our questionnaire, kindly answer the three questions listed below. A brief comment is all that is needed, but we do welcome lengthier answers. Your responses are very helpful to us in gathering information that will be presented to the American Library Association grant committee. Please email your answers to Thank you.   After viewing the documentary American Creed, what were your immediate thoughts? Has the film changed the way you relate to others? Has the film inspired you to want to help and inform others in and beyond your community?  


Slide Slam: Making a Difference Digital Art Exhibition Theme: Using your artistic abilities, express how you could make a positive change in your own community. This change could be helping someone in need; creating a garden to beautify your village or town; befriending a person or family whose background is different from your own; or any manner of expressing change to help better the world in which you and your neighbors live. Simply allow your heart and talent to guide you. At this interactive art exhibit each work is projected onto a screen. The artist has 5 minutes to present their artwork, explaining each piece to the audience and their fellow artists. Artists may use work they have previously created that reflects the theme, or create art specifically for the show. 15 artists will have the opportunity participate. Artists may submit up to five works of art. Email jpeg images of your artwork to Donald at Only images submitted by email will be accepted. Deadline: May 4, 11:59 pm. Artists notified of accepted work:...

American Essay Contest Awards, Readings & Discussion

Saturday, April 27 2:00-5:00 pm This special presentation will take place at the Holmes Whaley Lake Civic Association. The HWLCA is located at 239 Route 292 in Holmes, NY. All participants will have the opportunity to read their essays with a discussion led by Dr. Robin Lester, author and former headmaster of the Trinity School in New York City. Special thanks to our juror Thomas Walogorsky, editor of The Pawling Record. Inspired by the PBS documentary American Creed, this writing contest asked young writers to examine the question, “Who gets to be counted as ‘American’ and why?” The film can be viewed at Have a voice in your community. Let your words be read and heard. Please join us by participating in this program. About our speaker: Robin Lester is a graduate of the University of Chicago where he earned his Ph.D. in history and went on to become an award winning historian. In 1996 he was awarded Book of the Year by The North American Society for Sport History for his book STAGG’S...

Sound Experience for your Body, Mind and Soul

with Cristina Reyes-Schleifer Sound Practitioner Wednesday, April 24 7:00-8:30 pm Immerse yourself in the soothing waves of sound Reduce muscle tension and stress Enter a deep meditative state Enhance your awareness Feel lighter and energized The sound of Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, bells and gongs will open up a new dimension in your life. About our presenter: Cristina Reyes-Schleifer is a certified sound practitioner, with accreditation and certification by the Sound and Music Institute. She has devoted countless hours to investigating the effects of tonal vibrations on the human body and has personally studied with Alexandre Tannous and John Beaulieu, two of the pioneer researchers in the field. Having practiced meditation for over two decades and conducted meditation and spiritual development groups for over six years, Cristina has combined these modalities into her own creation of an integrated and therapeutic “sound bath,” which, accompanied with guided meditation and relaxation techniques, she uses in private and group sessions. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to...

Graphic Novel Book Club

Tuesday, April 23 7:00-8:00 pm The book club will be discussing Paper Girls 1, by Brian K. Vaughan. The Graphic Novel Book Club is an adult book club that meets monthly to discuss comics and graphic novels. We will select from a wide variety of titles – indie and foreign comics to classic superhero storylines. Whether you are just getting into comics or a life-long reader, you’ll find good conversation and something new to read. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at

The United Nations: Communicating Hope in an Age of Peril

Tuesday, April 16 7:00-8:00 pm What is the United Nations? Why established? How is it organized? What are the United Nations accomplishments and failures? Our era does have its challenges: climate change, the unsettled Middle east, wildcard Russia, nuclear weapons in rogue countries, financial volatility, an emerging China, stateless terrorists … and much more. Amidst these crises is the UN, an organization that gathers representatives from 193 countries under one roof. About our presenter: Dr. Robert J. Petrausch is an expert in communication and head of the public relations concentration and former chair of the Department of Mass Communication at Iona College in New Rochelle, New York. He has a doctorate in education from the Department of Organization and Leadership at Columbia University. Dr. Petrausch has published in the field of communications, public relations and organizational learning. He is a former chief communications officer for a Fortune 500 company. He has also served in senior communications positions for global companies such as Shell Oil and GE. With regard to military service, he served as Captain...

Floral Arranging with Erica

Wednesday, April 10 7:00-8:30 pm During this fun-filled workshop we will be using a variety of interesting spring flowers to create a burst of color that will draw attention and beautify the home. In addition, you’ll also learn essential tips on flower purchasing and care. Note: Participants should bring SMALL SHARP clippers and or scissors. Some might wish to wear an apron. Material fee: $15.00. Containers will be provided. About our presenter: Erica was the owner of The Flower Market in Westchester County for more than 20 years. She provided flowers and event planning, from simple occasions to high profile venues that included The Pierre and The Rainbow Room in New York City to, locally, Tappan Hill, The Kittle House and the Westchester Country Club. Now semi-retired, she enjoys working privately for long-time customers. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at