Author: Donald Partelow

FREE English (ESOL) Tutoring

English for Speakers of Other Languages with Karina Cerna April, 4, 9, 11 & 16 12:30-3:30 pm Tutoring is available for both adults and teens. Sessions are for one hour. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at This publication (product) was supported by (or “in part by”) funds from the New York State Library’s Adult Literacy Services grant program.

Everything you ever, ever, EVER wanted to know about making a CHILDREN’S BOOK

Tuesday, April 2 7:00-8:00 pm You have a kid’s book in you. You can almost see it. But how do you make it happen? Marian Grudko, editor, book shepherd, and author of Lucinda Snowdrop, can start you on your way. Come and join the Q. and A! Learn how you can join the ranks of authors who contribute to the important and often under-rated book genre known as Kid Lit. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at

1968: How Events 50 Years Ago Shaped The World

  Wednesday, March 27 7:00-8:00 pm Join award-winning sports journalist Evan Weiner, for this in-depth look at how the media – especially television – came into its own in the 1960s. From the first of the Kennedy-Nixon debates in 1960, to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the scathing assessment of Vietnam by Walter Cronkite, Weiner explores how the media matured. You’ll learn how Edward R. Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarthy laid the groundwork. The foundation for the media we have today can be traced to these events and these important figures. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at

Estate Planning: How to Protect Your Parents and Yourself

Tuesday, March 19 7:00-8:00 pm When you attend this seminar we will discuss a number of important topics and give you the answers to the issues below and much more! • How to protect your assets from a nursing home? Medicaid? • The Five-Year Look Back: What is it and why is it so important? • Probate … Does my Will avoid it? Learn how to prevent it. • How to preserve your Assets. • Living Wills, Health Care Proxies and Powers of Attorney: … do I need these, what are they, how do they work? • Have the recent New York law changes made your Power of Attorney, Will or Trust obsolete? • Estate Tax: Is the State or Federal government your largest beneficiary? • How a Power of Attorney can prevent a lawsuit. • Social Security: What are my options? Without proper planning, your Estate or your parent’s Estate may be settled in ways you never intended. Take this opportunity to educate yourself on your options. Join us to get real answers on...

New Beginning: Living What Matters

Wednesday, March 13 7:00-8:00 pm Come join us in an engaging, enlivening conversation exploring what really matters to you and how you can design the life you want to live! We will explore your purpose, your passions, what brings light and energy to your life, and how your potential for living a satisfying and fulfilling life is available to you by making choices that support you living into it. About our presenter: Diane Ingram is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) coach trainer with a degree in Psychology and Human Development. She is a student of the Diamond Approach, which fosters personal development through methods of meditation, present-moment awareness, and self-observation. Diane currently hosts her own radio show and is the author of four books, the most recent being “The Gift”. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at

FREE English (ESOL) Tutoring

English for Speakers of Other Languages with Karina Cerna March 12, 14, 19 & 21 12:30-3:30 pm Tutoring is available for both adults and teens. Sessions are for one hour. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at This publication (product) was supported by (or “in part by”) funds from the New York State Library’s Adult Literacy Services grant program.

American Essay Contest

Inspired by the PBS documentary American Creed, this writing contest and presentation asks young writers to examine the question, “Who gets to be counted as ‘American’ and why?” The contest is open to students at Pawling High School as well as homeschooled students, who are encouraged to view the film at for inspiration. All participants will have the opportunity to read their essays at the Holmes Whaley Lake Civic Association program, with a discussion led by Dr. Robin Lester, author and former headmaster of the Trinity School in New York City. Juror: Thomas Walogorsky, editor of The Pawling Record. $100.00 cash prize will be awarded for 1st place. $50.00 2nd place. $25.00 3rd place. Deadline for submitting essays: March 23, 2019, 11:59 pm. Essays must be emailed to the Pawling Library. Please send your essays in a Word Document to Donald at In the subject heading of the email please write: American Essay Contest. Be sure to enter your name in full and your grade. Essays may be up to 500 words. Winners will...

Making Every Moment Count

with Sophia Sciacca Tuesday, March 5 7:00-8:00 pm At this informative presentation we’ll dispel the myths associated with Hospice. You’ll learn what you need to know before a crisis and whether to consider advance care planning to assist you in speaking with and comforting your loved ones. This presentation is being brought to us by Hudson Valley Hospice. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at


Tuesday, February 26 6:30-8:00 pm How do we awaken/invoke this renewal within ourselves? How do we access this dimension of Affirmation and undying Faith that lies dormant within us? What is it which frees us from our daily challenges? Come and join us for conversation, reflection, introspection and meditation. Let’s find out how to maintain what we find… About our presenter: Cicely Greaves is the owner and operator of REGARD. She daily practices meditation and is a Reiki Master. In her journey she has changed her awareness, thoughts, words, deeds and actions. She is a producer and TV host of the award-winning show Give and Take the Virtues in Life. She has Degree in Psychology and supports business, and individuals in their journey to transform the way in which they respond to the constant stimulus that we are exposed to in the world Registration is required. To register please call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444.

FREE English (ESOL) Tutoring

English for Speakers of Other Languages with Karina Cerna Thursday, March 14 12:30-3:30 pm Tutoring is available for both adults and teens. Sessions are for one hour. To schedule an appointment with Karina register at the front desk or call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444. This publication (product) was supported by (or “in part by”) funds from the New York State Library’s Adult Literacy Services grant program.