Author: Chris Fisher

The Value of Libraries

Hopefully, we all recognize the vital function public libraries serve in our society. Libraries are priceless in the role they play in fostering community, promoting democracy, and equalizing access to information. It is contrary to the very nature of collectivity to itemize and price out library services this way. Nonetheless, there is one fun way to assign a monetary value to the library: total up the full retail cost of all the items and services you use through the library. While it is hardly a true and accurate measure of what the library provides, it is fun to see how much you would pay to get the same level of access without a library around to provide shared resources. The New York Library Association has a handy library value calculator. Try it for yourself and post your results to social media.

Reading Rally Update

We are down to the wire and those adults are proving hard to beat! The kids are on the move, but we’ll need all of those paper logs to get the final results.  The Reading Rally results for week 10 are: The Title Wave Adult Readers continue in the lead with 1,954 hours. Moving up into second place are the The Red Hot Kid Readers with 1,550 hours of reading. Now in third place are Teen Green Dragons with 1,172 hours. This is our last update before the final winner is announced at our Reading Rally Celebration on Saturday, September 10th where we will all enjoy 2 flavors of ice cream and all 11 toppings! It’s going to be a great ice cream day! Remember there are just a few days of reading to go, so don’t stop now!  Keep reading and logging your time for your team! All paper logs are due back at the library no later than Tues., Sept. 6th.  For more information check out our web site or stop in at the library....

Find the Essential Services at Your Library!

  Oh no, it looks your local library has been Lego-ized! This is terrible – the Pawling Library is an essential part of this community that your neighbors rely on for more than just books! Just look at everything going on at the library. Can you find all the essential services listed below in this Lego version of the Pawling Library? 1.Families exploring scientific concepts together. 2. 3d Printer. 3. A dog helping a kid learn to read. 4. Someone finding a new job. 5. Access and Help with a computer. 6. Children learning to love literacy and learning. 7. Neighbors sharing their skills with each other. 8. Generous community members. 9. Access to 2.5 Million items. 10. Teens helping kids read. 11. Teens giving time and resources to people in need. 12. Big Savings for families. 13. Digital Magazines. 14. Telecommuters and students. Thanks to Joshua Pandolfo, Harper Befus, Ivan Vertiz, Jenifer Vertiz, and Jack Johannesen for helping bring our Lego Library to life!

Interview with Suzanne Berne today on PPR

Interview with Suzanne Berne today on PPR

Suzanne Berne, today’s guest, is best known as the Orange prize-winning author of A Crime in the Neighborhood. Her new novel, THE DOGS OF LITTLEFIELD, was first published in Great Britain to wide acclaim. It is a comedy of manners and a portrait of the unease hidden among the manicured lawns of suburban America published by Simon & Schuster. People Magazine called it “A clever canine whodunit…A humorous, suspenseful satire about suburbia’s manicured charm and what lies beneath.” Patricia O’Conner, in her review for The New York Times Book Review said, “In the world of fiction, as we all know, a charmed setting is a catastrophe waiting to happen. And with a novelist like Suzanne Berne in charge, we aren’t disappointed… Nothing sucks a reader in like psychological menace, and Berne is a master of the craft. But her latest novel has something extra — flashes of comedy amid the chaos.” Suzanne Berne is the author of three novels in addition to the Dogs of Littlefield as well as a memoir, Missing Lucile: Memories of...

Pawling reading rally logo and mascots

Pawling Reading Rally

The literacy event of the year is here! Come in to the library and fill out your star to show everyone in Pawling that literacy is important to you. While you’re here, grab a Rally Strip, and start recording the time you spend reading. We’ll add your reading time to your team’s total and you can see which team is in the lead. The Red Hot Kid Readers, the Teen Green Dragons, and the Title Wave Adult Readers are competing head-to-head-to-head to see who can spend the most time reading this summer.  On September 10th, all participants are invited to our Summer Literacy Sundae Party.   Get started or find more info on the Pawling Reading Rally.

Interview with Adam Hochschild

Interview with Adam Hochschild

This Sunday at 3:00 Pawling Public Radio will be airing Susan Schwartzman’s interview with Adam Hochschild, one of the foremost historians in the country, about his latest book, Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936 – 1939. This show will repeat on Monday at 12:30 and again next Sunday, June 12 at 3 and Monday, June 13 at 12:30. Adam Hochschild is the author of seven books, and co-founder of Mother Jones. King Leopold’s Ghost, was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, as was his recent To End All Wars, winner of the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. Bury the Chains was a finalist for the National Book Award and won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and the PEN USA Literary Award. To listen to past episodes of Susan’s Book Corner, and for more info visit her page on Pawling Pubilc Radio.

The Library will close at 12 pm on Saturday, May 21 to Honor the Passing of Dr. George Coulter

It is with deep regret that the Pawling Free Library acknowledges the passing of Dr. George M. Coulter, on May 15, 2016. Dr. Coulter, as President of the Library Board of Trustees in the early 1960’s, was instrumental in the library’s expansion. It was under Dr. Coulter’s dedicated leadership that the Library building at its present location came to fruition, making this essential community asset a lasting legacy to lifelong learning. He will be greatly missed. To honor Dr. Coulter’s memory, and allow library staff time to attend his funeral, we will closing the library at 12 pm on Saturday, May 21. Obituary, Dr. George M Coulter

Listen to Susan’s Book Corner on PPR

Listen to Susan’s Book Corner on PPR

This Sunday at 3:00 Pawling Public Radio will be airing an interview with Ms. Jung Yun, author of the debut novel, SHELTER, published this past March by Picador. This show will repeat on Monday at 12:30 PM, and again next Sunday, May 22 at 3:00 PM and next Monday, May 23 at 12:30 PM. To listen to past episodes of Susan’s Book Corner, and for more info visit her page on Pawling Pubilc Radio.