Author: Chris Fisher

Crazy Deals at Insane Prices at the September Store!

Crazy Deals at Insane Prices at the September Store!

Kids, cash in your Summer Reading Logs for some of the deals ever this Summer at the Pawling Library September Store. Bad credit, no credit, you’re approved for prizes and books based on how many books you logged this summer! Stop in soon, because deals like this won’t last long! The September store will be open from 3 to 5 Friday, September 5, and Saturday, September 6 from 10 to 2. Stop in now!

Dotty and Abby Win!

Congratulations to Dotty Pascale and Abby Savarese, the winners of our Summer Reading Game Grand Prize! They’ll each be taking home a Kindle Paperwhite, which can be used to access tons of great library content! Thanks to all the local businesses who donated prizes to support reading in Pawling this summer! Check out the generous folks at  Mama’s Pizza, Good Tidings Gift Shop, Petite on Main, Vinny’s Deli, and The Little Red Bakeshop, who made our Summer Reading Game possible! These businesses all provide the best service and products around, so I highly recommended you stop in! We’re proud of everyone in Pawling who came out to play. There was a lot of contestants vying for the weekly prizes and the Grand Prize. Thanks to all the teens and adults for playing, and stay tuned for more great programs!

PFL News Volume 4 August 14, 2014

Battling the Hudson Valley By: Lauren The Battle of the Books is a program where kids read books and compete against other libraries. There are eight books that they have to read: “Legend,” “An Elephant in the Garden,” “Dead End in Norvelt,” “Icefall,” “Ninth Fall,” “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children,” “Liar and Spy” and “The Scorpio Races.” After they read the books, they answer trivia questions. One example is “In which book is the greatest threat to other people?” They would have to say the author and the book title. The last practice battle they lost two and won just one. Their team name that they picked out is The Wildcats. The last and final battle is on September 5th, so remember to root for Pawling! It was Hurricane Season at the Library By: Sarah A group of kids came to the library to make a Lego house that was at least a foot high. Ms. Karen got a leaf blower and they had to try to build a house that would not tip...

Free Development Check Ups @ the Pawling Library

Development Check Ups can be scheduled at the Pawling Library on Wednesday, August 20th  1:00  – 4:00 pm These check ups are a FREE service to parents, grandparents and care givers with children ages 2 months to 5 years. This service offers another tool with which to measure your child’s growth and success.  Read more about hit important service.  

Last Week to Get your tickets in for the Kindle Paperwhite!

Get your raffle tickets in for your chance at our Summer Reading Game Grand Prize, A Kindle Paperwhite! Stop in the library for more info! Thanks to all the businesses that supported our Summer Reading Game and promoting literacy in our community this summer! Thanks to Mama’s Pizza, Good Tidings Gift Shop, Petite on Main, Vinny’s Deli, and The Little Red Bakeshop. Let them know you’re proud of them for supporting literacy in our community!

Little Red Bakeshop Winners

Little Red Bakeshop Winners

Congratulations to Jennifer Smith, and to Alyssa Harris (again!). They’ll be taking home a gift certificate to the lovely Little Red Bakeshop, which produces some of the coolest cakes around! Look them up here, and get a load of the awesome cakes and desserts their fabricating on Facebook. Stop by and let Jill and her dessert artists know you appreciate them supporting literacy in your community!

PFL News Volume 2 July 23, 2014

PFL News Volume 2 July 23, 2014

3…2…1 BOOM! By: Sara   Kids come to the library on alternate Thursdays between 1 and 2 p.m. and make a mess! “I think Kitchen Wizards is very messy,” said Isabella. Last week we made blood and blisters on our partners! Why? For Halloween! This week they made Fizzy Potions. They made balloons blow up with vinegar and baking soda. “Kitchen Wizards is cool,” said Ava. Everyone is sad that there is only one Kitchen Wizards program left.

PFL News Volume 1 July 16, 2014

Learning how to sew a Skirt By: Sarah On every Thursday between 4 and 5 p.m. kids come to the Pawling Library to learn how sew and to make things. This year everyone is making skirts. First everyone picked their favorite fabric for their skirt. Then they cut out the shape of the skirt and sewed a waistband on each skirt. In the next class they will make a shirt to match their skirt. Lili loves making her skirt. Madeline really likes to go to this class. Lexi thought it was cool.

Reading is the Icing on the Cake

Our Summer Reading Prize this week is a gift certificate to the Little Red Bakeshop! Stop in to the library for your chance to win! The Little Red Bakeshop offers a ton of delicious and beautiful treats from cookies and macaroons to quiches and sandwiches. They also do custom cakes, cupcakes, and desserts for all occasions. To see their latest works of art, check out their Facebook Page.    

Congratulations to last week’s Winners!

Celeste Yazetti and Alyssa Harris, are taking home the Summer Reading Prize for last week, a gift certificate to Petite on Main! Crepes, burgers, steaks, and one of the top ten breakfasts in Dutchess County! Pop in for a bite, and let them know you appreciate them supporting literacy in your community! Stop in to the library for your chance at this week’s prize, and the grand prize, a Kindle Paperwhite!