Author: Maureen Meltzer-McGrath

Middle School Battle Club!

Calling all Middle Schoolers!! Battle Club needs you! (High School?  Check this out!) What is Battle Club? The most fun you will ever have with books! The Battle of the Books helps teens keep up reading skills over the summer, and offers them a shot at bragging rights for an intellectual competition spanning the entire Hudson Valley. In Battle Club, teens entering grades 6-9 team up to compete in trivia games based on a selection of Battle Books. Teens have from now until the competition in September to read any or all of the selected Battle Books.  Click here to see the book list. During the summer our team will meet, party, and have practice battles to prepare for the final Battle of the Books, where we’ll compete against other libraries from across the Hudson Valley. There is a whole lot of fun and reading ahead of us! Joining the Pawling Team! The team needs YOU! To join up, fill out the Online Registration Form or Print it out  and bring it to the library.  Once you’re signed up, you can start borrowing from our special...

Teen’s Blankets Go to Children in Need

The blankets that the Pawling teens made back in December as part of Project Linus have made it to children in need! We got a letter from Putnam County Social Services, and the blankets that the Project Do Something Teens made have been handed out to children in homeless shelters, foster homes, and children being moved between homes. Thank you to all the teens who participated in this project. Follow the link below for upcoming Project Do Something Projects. “Dear Pawling Youth Group: I picked up several bags of blankets today from Project Linus to distribute here at Putnam County Social Services. I was told that many of the fleece blankets were made by you and I wanted to reach out and thank you. They were all so beautiful and the colors and patterns had such variety that they will well suit all of our kids. We have given them to our homeless kids that are living in temporary shelters and don’t have many belongings, to our foster kids that are living with other families temporarily, to...

Mindset Book Group

Learn everyday and continue learning together! This winter, the Pawling Library, in collaboration with the Pawling Central School District, with sponsorship from the PTA and PTSA presents a Special Book Group for parents, professionals, and any adults interested in learning to fulfill their potential. We will be reading the book Mindset by Carol S. Dweck together one chapter at a time, and discussing how the book’s lessons apply to our selves and our lives. To register, fill out the Registration Form  and bring it to the library. Contact Pawling Library Young Adult Programmer, Nicole Curcio 855-3444 Pawling Central School District Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Kim Fontana 855-2150 Discussion Schedule Discussions will take place at the Pawling Library on Mondays from 10:45 am to 12:00 pm November 16th: Chapters 1 & 2 The Mindsets & Inside the Mindsets November 30th: Chapter 3 The Truth About Ability and Accomplishment December 14th: Chapter 4 Sports: the Mindset of a Champion January 25th: Chapters 5 & 6 Business: Mindset and Leadership & Relationships: Mindsets in Love (or Not) February 8th: Chapter 7 Parents, Teachers, and...

News from the Teens

The teen perspective  is a unique one.  Check out what they are writing about and what is going on with them at the PFL News Page.  The teens get to pick their own stories to write about and write what they like.  From library programs to the gaming world, the teens explore it all! The page can be clicked on here or under the Teens tab.  Find out what they are up to now! To join the News Team, contact Nicole ( or 855-3444).

Not Any Ordinary Summer for Teens

Teens should live it up over the summer!  Escape the ordinary with 3D printing, minecraft, Hunger Games, Battle of the Books, photography, poetry, cooking, a teen book swap, and so much more! For an added twist, teens can join the escape club that is packed with gaming, crafting, exploring, and creating.  This special club will have the theme: brain teasers and mystery.  Check out the teen page for more activities, information and a registration form.

The Amazing Race!

Congratulations to all 12 families who participated in today’s first ever Amazing Race!  It was a blast for everyone involved.  The Teen Library Council would like to thank you for attending their event and look forward to creating more.  A special congratulations to our first place winners Carolyn and Joslyn Walsh who ran around town, hitting all 10 stops at top speed.  What an amazing wrap up to our spring programs.  We look forward to seeing everyone for the summer!

Blogging and Website Creation for Teens

Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 pm Starting April 7th-June 23rd For 5th-12th graders.  Blogging and/or creating a personal website is an excellent way to get your thoughts, beliefs, knowledge or whatever you want, out there to the public(or no one if it’s private).  This fun, hands on, and dynamic course will help you start blogging, sharpen your blogging or website skills, and teach you how to keep it all safe.  If you already have a blog, you can come blog with us and work on new blogging techniques. Please sign up by emailing Nicole ( or call 855-3444.    

Spring Things For Teens

There are things for teens to do this spring at the library.   All new clubs include the Blogging Society, Minecraft Directors, and the Wild Cat Knitters!  Some classes that are being offered this spring include Getting More Out of Microsoft Word and a Microsoft Power Point Seminar.  We still have the Teen Library Counsel, Readers Anonymous, Fashion Club, and Computer Programming that you can sign up for. The Minecraft Gaming Club has also gotten a makeover.  Teens can now join the Minecraft Survivors or the Minecraft Creating club! To sign up for any of the programs, please stop in, call 855-3444, or email Nicole (  For more information and to see the full list of clubs, please check out our website!   

Battle of the BOOKS!!!

Reading as a sport? Well we turned it into one! Information Night: Wednesday April 22nd 6:30-7:30pm Battle of the books is a reading competition for teens in 5th-8th grade.  We read 8 books from now till the beginning of September where we face off with 26 other libraries! We are now forming the Pawling Library Team! The books are available at the library for the Pawling Team.  For more information and a list of the books, please click here! To sign up please contact Nicole at 855-3444,, or just stop into the library.