Author: Neena McBaer

Isabelle is Anxious to Visit at Your House!

Thanks to Daisy Troops 10019 and 10291, Isabelle Palmer, American Girl’s newest doll, is all packed and ready to come and visit at your home.  The Daisy’s in both troops worked together to purchase Isabelle and donate her to the library so all of the girls in our community would have a chance to take her home. You can read more about this generous project here, but in the meantime, all of our American Girl Dolls are waiting for a chance to visit at your home!

Daisy Girl Scouts Offer a Lesson in Sharing

Sunday, November 23rd the library was filled with Daisy’s!  The girls of Daisy Troops 10019 & 10291 came to the library with a surprise for the whole community.  The girls had decided to purchase Isabelle, American Girl’s newest doll, and donate it to the Pawling Library.  Daisy Troop 10019 Scout Leader Nicol Furlong told us, “The girls went to New York City on Metro-North November 11th with only one thing in mind…buying a doll to give to the library!  They never asked for anything for themselves.  They knew why they were there and that was all they had in mind.”  The girls had lunch and received a tour of the American Girl store and of course, they purchased their gift to bring back to Pawling.

Brownie Troop 10017 Takes Action!

Girl Scout Brownie Troop 10017 is filled with girls on a mission.  They took a look around the community to see if there was something they could do to improve their world.  Was there anything they could do to help at the fire station?  How about the library?  Well, they have been busy in both places volunteering their time and talents to help make the Pawling Community a little brighter.

Register for International Game Day 2014 @ the Pawling Library!

Join us for Pawling Library’s 5th Annual International Games Day Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014 Come alone, bring a friend, bring the whole family! It’s a day of fun for everyone! Fun games to play for the whole family from         10 am – 4 pm! (ages 2 years & up) Come when you want…stay as long as you’d like! Over 100 board games to choose from! Wii games available to try all day long! Exciting spotlight events at 11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. Students 9 years and older can test drive our new Minecraft Lab! If you need more information or have questions, please email our game day coordinators Nicole or Ms. Karen Children up to 9 years of age must be accompanied by an adult! Call the library at 855-3444 and REGISTER TODAY!

Infant & Toddler Programs Return to the Pawling Library!

Beginning the week of November 9th the Pawling Library will once again offer two weekly programs in its Early Literacy series: Wiggle, Giggle & Bounce (birth – 18 months) Thursdays, 10:00 – 10:45 am Read, Rhyme & Romp (18 – 30 months) Tuesdays, 11:00 – 11:45 am We realize that many of you have made commitments for the fall season, but if you and your child are available we’d love to have you join us! Families can register by emailing Ms. Karen. You can read more about these fun programs on our program link, but if you have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Karen or call the library at 855-3444 and leave a message. Many thanks for your patience! We look forward to seeing some of you soon. 

Calling All Summer Reading Logs!

Summer is coming to a close and it’s time to wrap up those summer reading logs. Paper logs must be returned to the library by Saturday, August 30th.  Please make sure your child’s full name is on the front of the log and remember to let us know if your child logged by books, pages or days by writing this on the upper right hand corner of the log.  E-logs will remain open throughout the Labor Day weekend  so books titles can be added until Monday, September 1st. Remember to visit Director Casey at our September Store on: Thursday, September 4th, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Friday, September 5th, 3:00 – 5:00 pm Saturday, September 6th 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

End Your Summer of Reading with FUN!

Blast Off to Fun…our end of summer carnival for everyone! What an exciting way to end our summer of reading!  Families with children of all ages are welcome to join us at our end of summer carnival…Blast Off to Fun!  PFL Fun Team worked hard all summer making treasure rockets and preparing games that are sure to end our summer with a bang!. Join us for a fun afternoon that will culminate in a sweet treat and raffle drawings. Everyone will be a winner!  Register your family today! Friday, August 22nd, 1:00 – 3:00 pm (Raindate: Saturday, August 23rd, 1:00 – 3:00 pm) And while you are here…remember to visit our Lego® Museum. It is filled with the brilliant building creations we’ve worked hard on all summer long!  Our museum will be open Monday, August 18th through Friday, August 29th during library hours.

Read Together Bedtime Stories to Air on Pawling Public Radio

Parents who participated in our Read Together workshops are using some new ideas to build important early literacy skills with their children. One parent wrote, “I learned some great techniques to help get my daughter excited about writing and reading- also some specific ideas to better engage her in both these efforts. I feel like I have more tools to work with to keep her engaged- and all are very simple and don’t really require spending money!” We hope to present more of these workshops in the future, but in the meantime, Pawling Public Radio is gearing up to provide families with a Read Together literacy program called Sleepy Time Tales.  Parents and teachers have recorded stories for the whole family to listen to together.  Sleepy Time Tales will air on Pawling Public Radio Tuesdays and Saturdays at 7:30 pm beginning July 15th.  Tune in with your child to hear friends, and maybe a favorite teacher, reading on the radio.  Visit Pawling Public Radio for more details.