Summer 2014 Children’s Program Registration Opens Monday, June 9th!
We’re looking forward to a great science filled summer and hope your child will join in the fun! We’ll be ready and waiting to take your program registration requests any time the library is open between: Monday, June 9th at 12 pm – Monday, June 16th at 5 pm Families should complete one Summer 2014 Registration form per family and include all programs your children wish to participate in. Completed forms should be returned to the library circulation desk. Families will draw a lottery number to be attached to their form. Families are asked to pick up program status forms at the library beginning Saturday, June 21st. Our goal is to serve as many families as possible this summer, so please be considerate and let us know the weeks your child will NOT be attending the programs so other children can take advantage of these spaces. These programs will keep your child reading this summer…the best way to keep them from the devastating effects of the summer slide! Remember using out on-line e-logs or paper...