Category: Library News & Events

The Great Pawling Library Book Sale Offers Many Surprises

Every spring the Pawling Library hosts its annual book sale. This year, the sale will take place at the newly renovated Lathrop Center located at 2 Lakeside Drive on Saturday June 1st from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm and Sunday, June 2nd, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, and the following weekend on Saturday June 8th, from 9-4 and Sunday June 9the from 10-3. Aside from the amazing array (over 25,000 volumes) of books for sale in every category imaginable, both in hardcover and paperback, this year’s sale will definitely surprise and delight everyone who attends. Deb Barnett, chair of the 2019 Great Pawling Library Book Sale, shared, “When I was asked to chair this years Pawling Library Book Sale, I was excited to work with an amazing group of volunteers who were willing to expand the event from just selling books to creating an experience for all attending. I want to thank the library trustees for believing in my vision of growing the book sale into a festival, and this year is the first...


Slide Slam: Making a Difference Digital Art Exhibition Theme: Using your artistic abilities, express how you could make a positive change in your own community. This change could be helping someone in need; creating a garden to beautify your village or town; befriending a person or family whose background is different from your own; or any manner of expressing change to help better the world in which you and your neighbors live. Simply allow your heart and talent to guide you. At this interactive art exhibit each work is projected onto a screen. The artist has 5 minutes to present their artwork, explaining each piece to the audience and their fellow artists. Artists may use work they have previously created that reflects the theme, or create art specifically for the show. 15 artists will have the opportunity participate. Artists may submit up to five works of art. Email jpeg images of your artwork to Donald at Only images submitted by email will be accepted. Deadline: May 4, 11:59 pm. Artists notified of accepted work:...

American Essay Contest Awards, Readings & Discussion

Saturday, April 27 2:00-5:00 pm This special presentation will take place at the Holmes Whaley Lake Civic Association. The HWLCA is located at 239 Route 292 in Holmes, NY. All participants will have the opportunity to read their essays with a discussion led by Dr. Robin Lester, author and former headmaster of the Trinity School in New York City. Special thanks to our juror Thomas Walogorsky, editor of The Pawling Record. Inspired by the PBS documentary American Creed, this writing contest asked young writers to examine the question, “Who gets to be counted as ‘American’ and why?” The film can be viewed at Have a voice in your community. Let your words be read and heard. Please join us by participating in this program. About our speaker: Robin Lester is a graduate of the University of Chicago where he earned his Ph.D. in history and went on to become an award winning historian. In 1996 he was awarded Book of the Year by The North American Society for Sport History for his book STAGG’S...

Such Sweet Sorrow

Evelina has been the smiling face behind the circulation desk., and the” go to” person at the library with any issues regarding patron accounts for the last ten years… and she has loved being of service to the community. She has visited homebound patrons, the Friendship Center, and the Grand on a regular basis in order to bring library services to those who could not otherwise take advantage of them. She has loved bringing joy to these patrons through her visits, and we have been so happy to have her as part of the library family. Evelina has lived in Pawling for the last sixteen years. Now she and her husband Victor will be retiring to South Carolina. We wish them the best on their new adventure! We will be saying good-by to Evelina with some pastries and coffee at the library on April 27th at 10 am. We invite you to stop in to wish her a sweet farewell!

Everything you ever, ever, EVER wanted to know about making a CHILDREN’S BOOK

Tuesday, April 2 7:00-8:00 pm You have a kid’s book in you. You can almost see it. But how do you make it happen? Marian Grudko, editor, book shepherd, and author of Lucinda Snowdrop, can start you on your way. Come and join the Q. and A! Learn how you can join the ranks of authors who contribute to the important and often under-rated book genre known as Kid Lit. Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at

American Essay Contest

Inspired by the PBS documentary American Creed, this writing contest and presentation asks young writers to examine the question, “Who gets to be counted as ‘American’ and why?” The contest is open to students at Pawling High School as well as homeschooled students, who are encouraged to view the film at for inspiration. All participants will have the opportunity to read their essays at the Holmes Whaley Lake Civic Association program, with a discussion led by Dr. Robin Lester, author and former headmaster of the Trinity School in New York City. Juror: Thomas Walogorsky, editor of The Pawling Record. $100.00 cash prize will be awarded for 1st place. $50.00 2nd place. $25.00 3rd place. Deadline for submitting essays: March 23, 2019, 11:59 pm. Essays must be emailed to the Pawling Library. Please send your essays in a Word Document to Donald at In the subject heading of the email please write: American Essay Contest. Be sure to enter your name in full and your grade. Essays may be up to 500 words. Winners will...

Check out our Spanish Leveled Readers!

We are excited to announce the launch of the complete Spanish Leveled Readers book collection in the Pawling Library! This collection is designed for anyone learning to read in Spanish, no matter the age. This collection of over 100 children’s books has been organized using the same program that the Pawling School district uses to level books for student reading. New readers start at Level A, with short stories using simple vocabulary, and work their way through the alphabet. The collection features books in levels A-M using the Fountas and Pinnell leveling system. Many of the books are bilingual, in Spanish and English, and are a great tool for continuing Spanish or bilingual language literacy. “We added the collection because we want our community to know that language literacy is important no matter what language you speak. Many of the literacy skills needed to be a strong reader and speaker are the same in English and Spanish, and it’s common that the stronger a child’s Spanish literacy, the stronger their English literacy will be as...

Human Library Project – Sign up to read human books

Back by popular demand, the Pawling Human Library Project is a joint venture between the Pawling School District and the Pawling Library. It is an opportunity for members of the community to connect with educators and each other to share their stories. This year’s event will take place on Tuesday February 19th, 12-3 PM. Now, you can sign up to attend the event and “read” up to six human “books!” Human “books” will each lead 20 minute long discussions about their chosen topic. Follow the link below and fill out the form to register to attend the event. Click here to sign up Last year was a great success, and we are looking forward to having even more people participate this year. Please sign up soon and tell your friends to do the same. This is a great opportunity to help integrate the school system, the library, and the Pawling community.

A New Year of Possibilities

Tuesday, February 5 7:00-9:30 pm Receive insightful messages from psychic Elka Boren. Discover how your future will unfold. Elka Boren: From an early age in Panama and for the past 30 years has had a natural healing ability to connect and communicate with the unseen world. Her energetic healings and clairvoyance remove blockages on all levels. Program fee: $20.00. NOTE: This program will take place at Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique, located at 12 West Main St in Pawling. Registration is required. To register please call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444.

Human Library Project

Back by popular demand, the Pawling Human Library Project is a joint venture between the Pawling School District and the Pawling Library. It is an opportunity for members of the community to connect with educators and each other to share their stories. This year’s event will take place on Tuesday February 19th, 12-3 PM. Individuals can volunteer to become “books” that others can “check out” and have an engaging conversation on the topic chosen by the “book”. They will also have the opportunity to act as “readers” by selecting “books” to “check out” for themselves. In other words, you choose something from your life or experience that you think others might be interested to hear, and then other people people sign up to discuss it. Each conversation lasts about 20 minutes and includes one to four other people. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more or in volunteering to be a book, please go to Last year was a great success, and we are looking forward to having even more people participate this...