Category: Library News & Events

Memorial Reception for Shirley Shufer November 8

Memorial Reception for Shirley Shufer November 8

A Memorial Reception will be held at the Library Annex on Sunday, November 8, at 1:00 to remember Shirley Shufer who recently passed away. Shirley was a long-time library supporter, Board member and volunteer. Please stop by to give your condolences to Jane Shufer, Shirley’s daughter, and share your memories of a woman who gave so much to our library and community.

Beware the Haunted Library October 31!

Be sure to add us to your stops on Halloween night!  The library will be transformed for one night only into “The Haunted Library.” We’ve got many unusual visitors scanning the shelves in the library today.  Come experience the scary music and creepy guests to put you in a real Halloween mood.  Stop by before or after trick or treating and add a little fright to your Halloween night.  Spooks and goblins will be here all night, so let us know when you’ll stop by!  We’ll be waiting for you on Saturday, October 31st 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Mindset Book Group

Learn everyday and continue learning together! This winter, the Pawling Library, in collaboration with the Pawling Central School District, with sponsorship from the PTA and PTSA presents a Special Book Group for parents, professionals, and any adults interested in learning to fulfill their potential. We will be reading the book Mindset by Carol S. Dweck together one chapter at a time, and discussing how the book’s lessons apply to our selves and our lives. To register, fill out the Registration Form  and bring it to the library. Contact Pawling Library Young Adult Programmer, Nicole Curcio 855-3444 Pawling Central School District Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Kim Fontana 855-2150 Discussion Schedule Discussions will take place at the Pawling Library on Mondays from 10:45 am to 12:00 pm November 16th: Chapters 1 & 2 The Mindsets & Inside the Mindsets November 30th: Chapter 3 The Truth About Ability and Accomplishment December 14th: Chapter 4 Sports: the Mindset of a Champion January 25th: Chapters 5 & 6 Business: Mindset and Leadership & Relationships: Mindsets in Love (or Not) February 8th: Chapter 7 Parents, Teachers, and...

Our Board Book Collection Gets a New Home

Our board book collection has a colorful new home!  We recently purchased nine crates and attached them to  each other to make a study shelf for our board books, while adding a splash of color to the children’s room.  Moving the board books will allow us to eventually shift the picture book collection which has outgrown it’s space in recent years.  A big thank you to  The Container Store for discounting the crates to make them even more affordable for us!  Next time you visit the library, be sure to check this fun new addition out!

Pawling Library Director, Casey Conlin, Selected for New York Library Association Sustainability Initiative Retreat

In February, 2014, the New York Library Association (NYLA) passed the Resolution on the Importance of Sustainable Libraries. The resolution recognizes libraries and their services as essential to the communities they serve, and that libraries must continue to provide access to these services. To ensure continued access to these services, libraries must demonstrate good stewardship of public funds, and ensure access to adequate funding. This stewardship must also recognize the very real threat of climate change that we all face, and seek to provide a safe and healthy space for the staff and public. The resolution encourages libraries to apply these guidelines when making decisions about facility, operations, policy, technology, programming, and partnerships, and to lead the communities they serve in conversations about resiliency, climate change, and a sustainable future for all. NYLA’s Sustainability Initiative Retreat will gather 23 library leaders from around the state under conveners Rebekkah Smith Aldrich and Matthew Bollerman at the Carey Institute for Global Good to try to determine how to best implement the goals set forth by this resolution....

Saturday is the last day to redeem those Super Power Points at the Pawling Library’s September Store!

Saturday is the last day to redeem those Super Power Points at the Pawling Library’s September Store!

You’ve worked hard reading all summer long and now it’s time to cash in those Super Power Points! With 122 readers logging 2,239 books and reading 12,215 minutes we needed an awesome inventory!  Make sure you plan a trip to  the Library’s Annex Building to check out all the great prizes.  No matter how many points  you earned this summer, you’ll be able to shop for some really cool prizes! Remember, the last day you can redeem your Super Power Points in our September Store is tomorrow, Saturday, September 12th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Remember, even though summer is over, library programs keep on going year round!  Check out our newest program line up for the fall! There is something for everyone @ the Pawling Library!