Category: Library News & Events

Battle of the BOOKS!!!

Reading as a sport? Well we turned it into one! Information Night: Wednesday April 22nd 6:30-7:30pm Battle of the books is a reading competition for teens in 5th-8th grade.  We read 8 books from now till the beginning of September where we face off with 26 other libraries! We are now forming the Pawling Library Team! The books are available at the library for the Pawling Team.  For more information and a list of the books, please click here! To sign up please contact Nicole at 855-3444,, or just stop into the library.

Tell Albany You Support Your Library!

Tell Albany You Support Your Library!

Wednesday, February 25th is New York Library Advocacy Day, when library supporters converge on Albany to let our local representatives know that libraries are important to us and should be funded accordingly. If you can’t make it all the way to the capital, you can still be heard. Click Here to let your Local Officials Know that your library is important to you.

How Children Succeed

   Want to help kids grow and learn?  Consider joining a  new type of book group for a community that embraces learning and change.  Each month we are reading a chapter of the book and discussing it.  Registration for this special group is now open till March 1st. For all the information about this special program and for the registration form, please visit the Information Page. In collaboration with the Pawling Central School District, the Pawling Library, Pawling PTSA and Pawling PTA. Questions please contact Nicole at the Pawling Library (855-3444) or email

Readers Anonymous

Readers Anonymous

Explorers of the unknown story, seekers of thrills and truth, eaters of pages and covers, this club takes the plunge into the deep end of books. Who knows what we will discover! Possible riches of pages and text or steaming piles of dead words and unattractive characters. Our February book is The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau.  Read the book and join us on February 21st at 2:00 in the YA section of the Library. The Readers Anonymous Book Club is for teens (6th-12th grade) who enjoy reading YA literature. Contact Nicole at the library (855-3444) or email her ( if you have any questions.