Category: Teen Programs

Volunteer Interns and Leadership Interns

Are you interested in volunteering with children or interested in children’s books? We have opportunities for teens and adults ages 12 and up to volunteers with the children’s department year round. During the summer, we offer many area teens the opportunity to volunteer with kids. There’s even the opportunity to make a little money as a Leadership intern! Former volunteers 15-18 gain experience with children and working  For more information, contact Children’s Program Coordinator, Neena McBaer, at or 845-855-3444.

We thank all the students who made our American Essay Contest possible

If you have not yet filled-out our questionnaire, kindly answer the three questions listed below. A brief comment is all that is needed, but we do welcome lengthier answers. Your responses are very helpful to us in gathering information that will be presented to the American Library Association grant committee. Please email your answers to Thank you.   After viewing the documentary American Creed, what were your immediate thoughts? Has the film changed the way you relate to others? Has the film inspired you to want to help and inform others in and beyond your community?  

Register for teen programs

Registration for our spring young adult session runs from Thursday, April 4th through Sunday, April 14th. For more information about what programs we have to offer and to download a registration form, please go to And in case you were wondering… fear not, we expect to have a new young adult program coordinator in place by the time programs begin.

Register for Teen Programs!

Register now for the winter session of teen programs. For priority registration, register between January 9 and January 15. If you register before the 15th, you will receive notification of which programs you got into by January 18. You can register in person at the library, by calling 845-855-3444, or by emailing Kate at Programs begin on Saturday, January 19 and end on Friday, March 22. To see a full list of programs, visit the teen program page at  

Teen Programs in December

Register now for teen programs happening during the month of December. On the schedule we have Game Nights, a DIY Mason Jar Holiday Decoration, M&M Pixel Art, Minecraft, and a New Year’s Party! Find more information here. Register at the Pawling Library, by calling (845) 855-3444, or by emailing Kate at  

Register now for teen programs!

The time has come to register for the fall session of teen programs! Check out the full schedule of teen programs on our teen page or on our events calendar. Registration will run from September 10 to September 19, and teens will be notified of which programs they got into on September 21. The fall program session will begin on September 24. To register, come into the library, call the library at 845-855-3444, or email Kate at

Summer’s End Rockstar Bash/Library Birthday Party!

Summer’s End Rockstar Bash/Library Birthday Party!

8/26, 1:00-3:00 pm, Main Library and Courtyard — Ms. Carla, Ms. Kate, and Ms. Neena All ages welcome. Free activities for children and teens. Children under 10 must be accompanied by a caregiver. Celebrate the end-of-summer, programs, AND the Library’s birthday with us! Teen volunteers have worked hard all summer to put together some rockin’ activities. Get the superstar look at our hair chalking and temporary tattoo stations, or explore our cardboard maze. Join in as we sing “Happy Birthday” and eat some cake! The event will conclude with our annual prize raffle. Up for grabs this year: a Kindle Fire 7, the chance to pie Ms. Neena in the face, and back-to-school baskets.

The Summer Reading Program for Children and Teens Starts Now!

The Summer Reading Program for Children and Teens Starts Now!

Reading consistently each week during the summer can be enough to stop a child’s reading ability from weakening. No matter your age, reading three or more days a week is ideal. This summer, you can track your reading with the Pawling Library’s Summer Reading Program! To get started, come into the library and pick up a Summer Reading Program Booklet. Our booklets track reading week by week, giving you the freedom to set unique reading goals for your family. If you are away this summer, do not worry! You can track your reading using the Reader Zone app for your Android, Apple, or Kindle device. You can also use Reader Zone on your desktop. Create an account and use the access code pawling-free. Throughout the summer when you participate in our Summer Reading Program, you can receive weekly prizes including forever books, science and craft kits, and more. If you register for the Summer Reading Program by July 2, either by coming in and getting a booklet or by joining the Reader Zone app, you will be...

Calling All Teen Adventurers

Dungeons and Dragons is being added to this summer’s teen program schedule. Teens ages 10-18 can join our band of adventurers on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM in the library. We will be playing Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. No previous experience is necessary. Contact Kate at for more information and to sign up to play.

Teen Volunteers and LEAD Interns Needed

Teen Volunteers and LEAD Interns Needed

Calling all teens 11-18 years old! Searching for volunteer opportunities for the summer and/or interested in working with children? We need you! You are invited to apply to our summer internship program. Interns help out during the summer to make sure that all children who participate in our summer literacy programs have a wonderful and learning-filled experience. To qualify, interns must submit a volunteer application and attend a program orientation in the end of June. For more information, visit our Volunteers and LEAD Interns page or contact Neena McBaer, Children’s Program Coordinator at or 845-855-3444.