As of June 1st, 2023, we are hitting the reset button!
- All existing fines in all patron accounts have been cleared and erased.
- Late fines will no longer accrue on borrowed materials returned after their due date except for video games.
- Please note: replacement fees will still apply.
- As always, e-books are easy to access and will never be overdue.
- While the Library is waiving most charges, those for lost or damaged materials and other miscellaneous charges will remain.
- “No fines” does not mean “no responsibility.” Materials will still have due dates and patrons are expected to return materials on time. Other libraries who have removed overdue fines have reported no significant impact on material return rates.
- Many people think of fines as their donation to the library. You can still donate! Now and in the future, donations to the Library can be made through Paypal. Donations will support critical Library programs and services.
Suggested reading
The Atlantic, December 4, 2020 “Why Some Libraries Are Ending Fines” by Deborah Fallows, https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/12/why-some-libraries-are-ending-fines/621445/
Fine free Library Map, Urban Libraries Council website https://www.urbanlibraries.org/resources/fine-free-map
Why Have Libraries Gone Fine-free The Past Few Years?, American Library Association Blog https://www.oif.ala.org/oif/why-have-libraries-gone-fine-free-the-past-few-years/
New York Public Library Announces Fine Free, October 2021 https://www.nypl.org/spotlight/fines