It’s TIME for Math!
This week we thought about time…large chunks of time like centuries, decades and years, small chunks of time like minutes and seconds, and everything in-between. Being able to use calendar dates and clock time not only uses numbers, but shows we understand the concept of time! We even got a chance to estimate when 20 seconds had passed. Could you do that?
- We divided into two team and used our birthdays…
- to put our team in order from January to December. We did it!
- Then we made giant clocks on the floor and took turns being the minute hand and hour hand.
- We used teamwork to make it 4 o’clock..
- Which team was faster?
- 10 o’clock was tricky, but we did it!
- Our last activity involved estimating seconds with some children as “stop watchers”…
- and some children as movers. Which group estimated 20 seconds more accurately?
- Last of all we estimated how long it would take to pass a high 5 around the circle. Can you guess?