Stuck at home? Here are 10 things you can still do thanks to your library card
Read a book:
With Overdrive and hoopla, you can download thousands of eBooks and audiobooks
- Watch a movie:
With Kanopy and hoopla, you can stream videos to your computer, TV, or mobile device
- Download a magazine:
That may sound like a strange combination of words, but with Overdrive you can digitally check out current and back issues of hundreds of popular magazines
- Learn a language:
Your library card gives you access to Mango Languages, an online and mobile language learning program
- Take a class:
Universal Class is an online learning platform that offers over 500 courses
- Homeschool:
We have a page with great resources for children and families like Tumblebooks, Storytime Online, and subject area resources.
- Read a newspaper:
Your library card gives you access to the New York Times as well as over 1,000 other newspapers
- Update your resume:
With JobNow, you have access to live, one-on-one resume help, interview practice, test preparation, and career information
- Research health information:
Now seems a very a propos time to access our health databases to find reliable information about a wide variety of health-related topics
- Become a smarter investor or business-person:
Business Insights offers industry reports, company profiles, financial analysis tools, and more!