Tagged: Adult Programs

Sound Experience for your Body, Mind and Soul / Online Presentation

with Cristina Reyes-Schleifer Sound Practitioner Wednesday, July 22 7:00-8:30 pm Registration is required. Click the link below to reserve a space for Sound Experience. https://www.pawlingfreelibrary.org/event/sound-experience-for-your-body-mind-and-soul-4/2020-07-22/ Immerse yourself in the soothing waves of sound Reduce muscle tension and stress Enter a deep meditative state Enhance your awareness Feel lighter and energized The sound of Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, bells and gongs will open up a new dimension in your life. Note: Wearing headphones or earbuds is recommended for this presentation.

Read-A-Thon Update: 8,000 minutes read!

Read-A-Thon Update: 8,000 minutes read!

We’re two weeks in to our all ages Read-a-Thon, and great progress has been made! Patrons of all ages have contributed time to reach a collective 8,034 minutes (or 133.9 hours) read, and we’re well on our way to reaching 20,000 minutes by June 1st. However, we can’t do it without you! Are you reading eBooks, listening to audiobooks, or reading picture books with your family? No matter how you’re reading, you can contribute your effort to our community Read-a-Thon, unlock online content, and win prizes.  Help us prove that staying home doesn’t mean reading and learning stops, no matter your age! It’s painless and quick to log your time. Visit http://pawlinglibrary.ny10.readsquared.com/ to participate with us!