Tagged: children’s programs

Volunteer Opportunities for Teens/Tweens

  Volunteer Opportunities for Teens/Tweens There are currently two types of volunteer positions open for ages 11-18–book buddies and garden volunteers. Book Buddies, or our Teen Buddy Book Club, is a program that pairs kids one-on-one with a teen role model. These volunteers spend time virtually helping their buddy gain confidence reading, while they practice their literacy skills and get to know them. For more information, visit https://www.pawlingfreelibrary.org/community-service/   Garden Volunteers tend to the teen garden at the library, but do so on their own schedule, without others around. Possible responsibilities include watering, checking nitrogen levels, and weeding. All volunteers will be able to take vegetables home! Find out more at  https://www.pawlingfreelibrary.org/teenprograms/ As we continue our reopening process, additional volunteering opportunities will be considered. We hope to have volunteers helping in additional children’s programs regularly as soon as it is safe and we are allowed.   Leadership Interns: Because we are hosting summer programming virtually and have to limit the number of people in our building, the library is not able to hire Leadership Interns this summer. Leadership interns will return...

Imagine Your Story! Summer Programs

Imagine Your Story! Summer Programs

Imagine Your Story Summer Programs   Check out all that will be available for children and teens this summer at The Pawling Library! From virtual and pick up activity programs to our “Imagine Your Story Summer Reading Challenge” where we’re letting YOU decide what happens. Will we dye Ms. Neena’s hair purple or blue? What weird things will Phil and Ms. Carla eat?? You read, you decide. Plus, we’ll be hosting weekly raffles for gift certificates to local businesses. Find out more: Imagine Your Story Summer Reading Challenge: https://www.pawlingfreelibrary.org/summer-reading-challenge/ Children’s Programs: https://www.pawlingfreelibrary.org/children/programs/#Summer Teen Programs: https://www.pawlingfreelibrary.org/teenprograms/ (updated info coming soon) Virtual Volunteer Opportunities: https://www.pawlingfreelibrary.org/community-service/

Now Available: Children’s June Virtual Programs

Now Available: Children’s June Virtual Programs

Register for June Children’s Programs Now! While we prepare for a fuller summer schedule of virtual and take-home programs, we’re keeping up our live weekly programs for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary students through June. Live opportunities: sensory, story hours, and after school activities Check out our live opportunities in our June 2020 Live Programming Guide. Register online at this link or email children@pawlinglibrary.org for assistance. All programming will be held virtually over Zoom or Discord. Click here for information on system requirements. Interested in programs that you can do anytime, anywhere, without video? Check out our Anytime Programs

An Elephant and Piggie Mystery: LIVE!  (Grades K-4)

An Elephant and Piggie Mystery: LIVE! (Grades K-4)

Thursday, 5/28, 4:00 – 5:00 pm Gerald and Piggie hear something..but what is it? Can you help them figure it out? This active game requires paper and a pencil or markers to participate. Registration is required. Click here to register online or contact children@pawlinglibrary.org   All live programming will be held over Zoom, so an internet connected device is required. Caregivers must be present while setting up the connection and remain in the same room as participating children under 5 years during programming. We encourage caregiver participation in all our live programs, as our staff is not able to monitor children’s internet activity while live. Registration is required and connection details will be provided privately after registration to help maintain class security. New to Zoom? You will need to download the app to your device in advance of your first live program. Visit https://zoom.us/download to find the right connection for your device. Contact us children@pawlinglibrary.org or 845-350-2771 for assistance.

Live Stories and Songs!

Live Stories and Songs!

Live Stories and Songs (Ages 0-5 and a caregiver) Wednesday, 5/13 and 5/27, 10:30-11:00 am Live on Zoom Best for ages 2-5, though younger children and their caregivers are welcome. Join Ms. Neena for a chance to sing, hear a live story, and socialize with other children! Registration is required. Click here to register online or contact children@pawlinglibrary.org for assistance.     All live programming will be held over Zoom, so an internet connected device is required. Caregivers must be present while setting up the connection and remain in the same room as participating children under 5 years during programming. We encourage caregiver participation in all our live programs, as our staff is not able to monitor children’s internet activity while live. Registration is required and connection details will be provided privately after registration to help maintain class security. New to Zoom? You will need to download the app to your device in advance of your first live program. Visit https://zoom.us/download to find the right connection for your device. Contact us children@pawlinglibrary.org or 845-350-2771 for assistance.

Story Time Bites

Join Ms. Neena anywhere, anytime for rhymes and stories! We miss our weekly classes for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. We invite families to watch our Story Time Bites together for a taste of story time at home. Story Time Bites are short videos featuring one rhyme, story, or song. They aim to build early literacy skills and give kids a taste of their regular routine back. To keep their attention, we’ve made them short and quick. Check out the first video here and visit our story time bites page for more. Closed captions are available. We’re taking suggestions! If your family has a favorite story time song or rhyme, let us know and we’ll do our best to make it available.

Read-A-Thon Update: 8,000 minutes read!

Read-A-Thon Update: 8,000 minutes read!

We’re two weeks in to our all ages Read-a-Thon, and great progress has been made! Patrons of all ages have contributed time to reach a collective 8,034 minutes (or 133.9 hours) read, and we’re well on our way to reaching 20,000 minutes by June 1st. However, we can’t do it without you! Are you reading eBooks, listening to audiobooks, or reading picture books with your family? No matter how you’re reading, you can contribute your effort to our community Read-a-Thon, unlock online content, and win prizes.  Help us prove that staying home doesn’t mean reading and learning stops, no matter your age! It’s painless and quick to log your time. Visit http://pawlinglibrary.ny10.readsquared.com/ to participate with us!

Family Trivia – Favorite Picture Book Characters

Who Am I? Picture Book Characters Anyone looking for a little fun can participate in our online family trivia games! This week’s quiz–Who am I? Picture Book Characters. Can you name these beloved characters from some of our library’s most popular picture books? Click on this link to play: https://kahoot.it/challenge/0395721?challenge-id=201c7240-b4c4-4c9a-9257-b6216aee1159_1586453640113 or type code 0395721 into the Kahoot app. No account is needed to play. Children will need assistance to complete the quiz, though they will likely know the answers to most of the questions! We’ll be posting a new quiz every Friday between now and when we reopen. To see what other quizzes are available, visit https://www.pawlingfreelibrary.org/children/programs/

Meet a Ballerina Story Hour

Meet a Ballerina Story Hour

Friday, 2/28, 1:00-2:00 pm Local ballerina, dance teacher, and reading role model Rachel Hamdan will stop by the library for a very special story hour. She will bring costumes, shoes, and go over a few basic moves with attendees. In addition, she will read a favorite dancing story book and discuss why she LOVES to read! We suggest families discuss what questions kids may want to ask Rachel, as there will be time for Q&A. Caregivers are required to remain in the library for the duration of the program. Registration is required. Interested in joining? Visit our registration portal online or stop by the circulation desk.

Meet a Veterinarian

Meet a Veterinarian

Meet a Veterinarian Wednesday, 1/15, 1:00-2:00 pm Dr. Kanouse, a local veterinarian from Brook Farm Veterinary Center, will stop in with his therapy dog, Nettles. Dr. Kanouse will read a story, answer questions about animal care and his job, and give children the opportunity to interact with his four legged friend and some of his tools. Registration is not required so drop in and invite your friends! For more information, please contact Children’s Program Coordinator, Neena McBaer at children@pawlinglibrary.org or 845-855-3444.