Tagged: pawling

Have you visited our StoryWalk®?

Have you visited the StoryWalk® set up at Pawling Recreation’s Lakeside Park? Take a family walk and read along to Hiking Day by Anne Rockwell. If you do visit, please don’t forget to leave us a message in our tracking book. And if you come across any damage or missing pages, please contact the library at 845-855-3444 or children@pawlinglibrary.org to let us know! Thank you to Town of Pawling Recreation Department and the Mid-Hudson Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club for partnering with us on this project. Please note that this StoryWalk will be on display until 12/17/21. The program will return with a new story in 2022! The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.

Winter Children’s Programs Available

Registration is now open for our Winter 2021 children’s programs. The program session will run nine weeks, January 26th – March 26th. This session, we’ll be offering a variety of At-home kit activities and live digital programs on Zoom. Upcoming special events include a taste-safe sensory exploration kit for ages six months to five years and the return of our LEGO and Roblox Clubs. Check out our full lineup of programs and register here.  For more information on our policies, click here.

RESULTS: Dance Party

RESULTS: Dance Party

For the second week of our Imagine Your Story Summer Reading Program, we let Pawling vote for what dance move our staff should try and learn… and then perform! The winner…Flossing!  We never expected this trend to come back from the dead and be your favorite. (Follow this link if video does not appear above: https://youtu.be/DVMCDIBn-Rk) For more information on summer reading, visit our Imagine your Story Summer Reading and Learning Challenge Page.

Read-A-Thon Update: 8,000 minutes read!

Read-A-Thon Update: 8,000 minutes read!

We’re two weeks in to our all ages Read-a-Thon, and great progress has been made! Patrons of all ages have contributed time to reach a collective 8,034 minutes (or 133.9 hours) read, and we’re well on our way to reaching 20,000 minutes by June 1st. However, we can’t do it without you! Are you reading eBooks, listening to audiobooks, or reading picture books with your family? No matter how you’re reading, you can contribute your effort to our community Read-a-Thon, unlock online content, and win prizes.  Help us prove that staying home doesn’t mean reading and learning stops, no matter your age! It’s painless and quick to log your time. Visit http://pawlinglibrary.ny10.readsquared.com/ to participate with us!

Pick up the Pawling Record

The Pawling Library is a pickup location for Pawling’s free local newspaper, the Pawling Record. The current issue is the June 30th issue. This represents the second of three monthly issues published this summer. In the fall, the Pawling Record will be published weekly. Pick up the Pawling Record for information about what is happening at the library and elsewhere in the community. For more information about the paper or to access a digital version, visit them online at https://www.pawlingrecord.org/