Tagged: Teens

Summer’s End Rockstar Bash/Library Birthday Party!

Summer’s End Rockstar Bash/Library Birthday Party!

8/26, 1:00-3:00 pm, Main Library and Courtyard — Ms. Carla, Ms. Kate, and Ms. Neena All ages welcome. Free activities for children and teens. Children under 10 must be accompanied by a caregiver. Celebrate the end-of-summer, programs, AND the Library’s birthday with us! Teen volunteers have worked hard all summer to put together some rockin’ activities. Get the superstar look at our hair chalking and temporary tattoo stations, or explore our cardboard maze. Join in as we sing “Happy Birthday” and eat some cake! The event will conclude with our annual prize raffle. Up for grabs this year: a Kindle Fire 7, the chance to pie Ms. Neena in the face, and back-to-school baskets.

Teen Volunteers and LEAD Interns Needed

Teen Volunteers and LEAD Interns Needed

Calling all teens 11-18 years old! Searching for volunteer opportunities for the summer and/or interested in working with children? We need you! You are invited to apply to our summer internship program. Interns help out during the summer to make sure that all children who participate in our summer literacy programs have a wonderful and learning-filled experience. To qualify, interns must submit a volunteer application and attend a program orientation in the end of June. For more information, visit our Volunteers and LEAD Interns page or contact Neena McBaer, Children’s Program Coordinator at children@pawlinglibrary.org or 845-855-3444.