

Free Tutoring at the Pawling Library

Need academic help?

Free tutoring with Mr. Liao  at the Pawling Library!

Sessions are by appointment, can work with any schedule!

Mr. Liao was a public high school teacher for 33 years in Manhattan.  He has taught math, science, physics, biology, chemistry, pre-architecture, meteorology, aviation science and bridge building.  After retiring from his school in the city he moved to the Pawling area in 2002.  He currently tutors in all academic areas, including organizational skills, test prep, and study methods.

Any student in middle school and older, including adults, may seek out Mr. Liao’s help.  His services are available in the library by appointment.  To schedule an appointment, please contact Mr. Liao at #855-0192 between 8:00pm-11:00pm.